Back to school

This is a week when most of my friends tell about how their children go back to school. Some to new schools, some to new classes. My own ”children” are also back at school, the oldest has however moved away, 900km north to get an engineers degree in computer science. But this week is very […]

If it’s easy, it has no value

I have just been through a weekend that really took me on an emotional roller coaster. Ups and downs, twists and turns and the ride has not yet ended… The value is the sum of the efforts When I look at my rather successful career as an entrepreneur I find that persistence has played a […]

Död, förlåtelse och hela mänskligheten

Den senaste veckan har vi översköljts av analyser och tankar kring de hemskheter som drabbat Norge och jag har lovat mig själv att inte blogga om detta eftersom så mycket bra (och mindre bra) redan sagts. Men just idag, den 29 juli, är det något jag måste få ur mig. Idag skulle min lillasyster fyllt […]

Who do you befriend on Facebook?

Up until last week we’ve basically had three major social networks to engage in; Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Last week we saw the birth of Google+ but I have still not received an invite… I think most of us have a rather common view on the use of these three networks. LinkedIn is for professional […]

Pressklipp från förr

När jag för en stund sedan skulle gräva fram underlag till deklarationen hittade jag en del gamla pressklipp 🙂 Det är ju ganska kul att ha sparat dessa unikum för framtiden och fram för allt för ens barn att skratta åt. Inte nog med att jag 1997 kunde hjälpa dig bli effektiv i Lotus Notes, […]

Age is getting me

When I last week wrote that I started my first business 24 years ago (I am now officially a Mentor) I honestly sat down and counted before coming to that number. But yesterday I realized that was all wrong. Wrong by five years! I had totally lost five whole years… I am now not entirely […]